Don’t miss an opportunity to meet your friends
Add and find your business contacts, associates, and friends from your network. Update your location status by using our Travel Plan tracker. Also add your interests and specialty and based on this you can search your contacts with ease.
You can post your location status, any news and photos.
when your friends are traveling to tell you when you are at the same place and can meet.
You can get notified who is near to you
Add trips and find your business contacts, associates, and friends from your network.
Communicate your meetIn location and you can call, share location and photo ect.
You can save your photo, location, living place, interests and friends ect.
Many future is available in this app
Show location for specified duration
meetIn allows to connect to your friends across the globe and import all your contacts from phone book. Add and find your business contacts, associates, and friends from your network.
The first relationship on earth that we make apart from our family is a 'friend'. This bond is very unique and amazing. We cherish the moments we share with our friends. meetIn wants to celebrate this moment and hence we have launched an app to allow you to do just that i.e. #meetinperson